Bayou Animal Services is announcing a new lifesaving program to help homeless animals in need. The program is called STAR which stands for Special Treatment and Recovery.
Bayou Animal Services (BAS) is actively involved in rescuing and caring for seriously injured or ill animals. Establishing a program like the STAR Program, funded by donations and grants, demonstrates a commitment to ensuring a sustainable source of funding for the organization's crucial work.
The mission statement, as conveyed by Animal Services Manager Nina Baker, emphasizes the promotion and protection of the health, safety, and welfare of both pets and people. This indicates a comprehensive approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of animal well-being and human safety. By focusing on these aspects, BAS aims to contribute positively to the community and create a safer and healthier environment for both animals and humans.
If you have any specific questions or if there's more information you'd like to know about BAS or the STAR Program, feel free to ask!
Juliettes’ Story
Juliette came to us from an unimaginable cruelty case. For over two years, she was confined to a shed with several other dogs, bred repeatedly, and never once saw a vet. When we rescued her, she was heartworm-positive, dangerously underweight, and terrified to even go outside.
Yesterday, Juliette took a turn for the worse. She became seriously ill, with vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. She was rushed to VCA Mainland Animal Hospital, where she spent the night on IV fluids and antibiotics. This morning, she showed a little more energy, but the vet is still concerned. Her long history of neglect may have finally caught up with her. We’ll be running more tests tomorrow, but right now, it’s up to Juliette to keep fighting.
This sweet girl deserves a second chance at life—a life full of love and care, far from the horrors she’s endured. But we can’t do it without your help.
We’re asking for donations to cover her emergency care and continued treatment. Any amount helps and gives Juliette a shot at the happy, healthy life she was denied for so long. Please consider donating through the link below and share her story. Together, we can make a difference in Juliette’s life.
Bubbas’ Story
Meet Bubba. He is a six-month-old Great Dane mix. Bubba was most likely hit by a car when we found him. Unable to walk on his own we took him straight to the vet to find out what we could do to help him. After an exam and x-rays, we learned that he would need FHO surgery. His leg is broken and the break is through his growth plate. Leaving this untreated is not an option. Bayou Friends Forever, Inc. is working hard to help raise funds for his $5000 surgery. We have an orthopedic surgeon ready to perform the procedure but must ensure we can pay for it first. We are keeping him comfortable in a foster home while he waits. If you can help please do! Any amount will go towards giving this puppy a second chance at a happy life!
UPDATE: Tulip’s eye infection is about %50 better. She is really coming out of her shell and enjoying liffe. Her hair had grown back and her skin is no longer irritated. She is gaining weight nicely and we can no longer see her spine. Tulip is almost ready for her forever home. She is currently taking meds leading up to her heartworm treatment which will be happening soon. Thank you to all that contributed to her health and happiness. A special thank you to her foster family who has taken such good care of her and got her to all of her appointments!
Meet Tulip
Tulip was found by a concerned citizen and brought into the shelter in bad shape. Demodex mange was eating away at her skin. Heartworm positive and Entropion in both eyes. She was dehydrated and terrified. We wondered if she would make it through the beginning stages of healing. From May 6th until today she has fought for her life and is winning! Her skin is slowing healing after medicated baths every other day and with strong antibiotics, she is making progress. We are now looking forward to her next steps in the healing process.
Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rolls inward, causing the eyelashes and surrounding hair to rub against the dog's sensitive cornea. The upper and lower lids can be affected in one or both eyes. Entropion results in eye irritation, and if not remedied quickly, can lead to corneal ulceration. Because she has been left with this condition for so long, she has developed an infection on top of everything else she has suffered. The only way to alleviate her suffering is surgery to reverse the inward rolling of the eyelid.
The treatment for entropion is surgical correction. A section of skin is removed from the affected eyelid to reverse its inward rolling. In many cases, a primary, major surgical correction will be performed, and will be followed by a second, minor corrective surgery later. Two surgeries are often performed to reduce the risk of over-correcting the entropion, resulting in an outward-rolling eyelid known as ectropion.
While she is resting during her surgery, we will also have her spay surgery performed.
To move forward with Tulips’ successful recovery, we need to raise $970.50. This amount includes her surgeries and follow-up visits.
If you would like to help Tulip and other dogs like Tulip that deserve a second chance at life, please donate to our STAR Animal Program to help transition happy, healthy pets into loving homes.
10/10/22 Last update for Tulip
Thanks to your generosity and love Tulip made it through her heartworm treatment and is living life to the fullest! Her foster family decided that they couldn’t live without her so they finalized their adoption. Tulip really hit the jackpot when a concerned neighbor called the shelter to advocate for this sweet girl. Happy Tails Tulip we wish you many happy Healthy years!
This is Rugers Story
Ruger's story is truly heartwarming and showcases the resilience and strength of animals, as well as the dedication of the individuals involved in their rescue and rehabilitation. The initial condition in which Ruger was found, lying in the middle of a busy street and appearing lifeless, paints a bleak picture. However, the quick response and compassion shown by the animal control officer, Marcus, played a crucial role in giving Ruger a fighting chance.
The discovery that Ruger was severely starved, with only sticks and rocks in his stomach, underscores the harsh conditions he had endured. The decision to name him at the vet that night, recognizing the uncertainty of his survival, adds a poignant touch to his journey.
The veterinary team's efforts, including a strict diet, constant IV fluids, and antibiotics, coupled with the care provided at an employee's cabin, contributed to Ruger's remarkable turnaround. The collaboration with a compassionate foster parent, who stepped in to provide a nurturing environment, further highlights the importance of community support in animal rescue efforts.
Ruger's gradual improvement, from sitting up to running and playing, showcases his remarkable resilience and will to live. The decision to find him a foster home instead of keeping him at the shelter reflects a thoughtful approach to his specific needs and a recognition of the potential for a more personalized and caring environment.
The happy ending of Ruger being fully adopted by his foster mom adds a beautiful conclusion to his story. His transformation from a severely weakened state to a loving and kind companion is a testament to the power of care, compassion, and the human-animal bond.
Ruger's story not only highlights the challenges faced by neglected animals but also celebrates the positive impact that dedicated individuals and a supportive community can have on their lives.